• Course






SWIM: The swim takes place at Park Lake beach and follows the shore for 1/4 mile. There is a water safety team on the swim course if anyone needs assistance. NO swimmers will be allowed flotation devices. You need to be able to swim 1/4 mile in open water comfortably.

BIKE: Take a left out of transition. Follow park exit, and turn left onto Lake Street, turn right on Schwartz Rd and then a left onto E. Bush Rd. Take a right onto to Twitchell Rd. Go Left onto Count Hwy G and follow Hwy G until you reach Hwy SS, and take a left onto Hwy SS. Take a left onto Cty HW P Rd, then take a left onto Lake St. Take a right onto Park St. back into the transition area. The bike course will be clearly marked with signs and volunteers will be on the course.

RUN: Take a right out of transition and follow one loop around the park on Chandler Park Dr. Take right on Lake Street, left on Third Street, right on Chestnut Street, left on Spring Street, left on East LaFollette, right on Sanborn street, left on East LaFollette Street, left on Oak Street, go to the second stop sign and take a right on Chestnut and go until the turn around. You’ll come back on Chestnut, take a left on Oak Street, right on LaFollette, right on Sanborn, right on LaFollette, right on Spring Street, right on Chestnut Street, left on Third Street, right on Lake Street, left on Chandler Park Drive. The finish line will be on the left hand side of the park’s exit. The run course will be clearly marked and volunteers will be present on the course.

TRANSITION AREA: Transition is located in the baseball diamond in Chandler Park. Athletes should have their transition area set up at least a 1/2 hour before the race start.



**Maps subject to change at any time**
